Confirm that your have read our terms and conditions at the bottom of this page. In the event you decide to continue to use PEDS Online, you will be asked to sign the following license agreement:

End User Trial License Agreement for

I affirm the following: I am a professional working with young children. I will protect the privacy of any child's personally identifying information I use in the trial and the results received. I will enter actual parent comments in English when trialing the PEDS Online service.

I am applying for 3 trials of PEDStest Online services, which is provided without cost to me. If interested in continuing the service, I will complete a license agreement and will pay current pricing per encounter for PEDS Online services. A completed license agreement ensures that I will receive a printable guide to using the service (including the parent portal), guidance on how to interpret the findings, supporting information on parent education and referral resources, and printable Response Forms for PEDS in all available languages as well as the M-CHAT-R in available and requested languages. If desired, I will also receive a link and icon I can place on my clinic's website.

We will add your unique license identification number to your username to facilitate security of records (e.g., PediatricPractice_100), and if using a username already deployed, we will work with you to determine other memorable and unique options. Usernames/passwords should be documented somewhere secure, along with a print-out of this agreement, in case of operating system upgrades, computer crashes, etc.

You will be notified by email when your trial expires.
We hope you will continue with a full-version license.

Start Date (Today) 02-22-2025

Please select the Yes/No answer and click on the button below
to acknowledge that you agree with our license agreement.

I agree to the terms and conditions

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