Discover Your Child's Developmental Milestones with Confidence

Accurate, Easy-to-Use Screening and Assessment Tools for Parents to Monitor and Support Your Child's Growth.

Welcome to PEDStest Online® for Parents and Families.

Child Development and Screening Tools

This site is for families who are wondering whether their children are having difficulties with learning, developing, and behaving.

Our Tools will help you find out:

  • Whether your child seems to need additional testing
  • Whether your child may need specialized teaching services or therapies
  • Whether careful observation and watchful waiting would be helpful
  • Whether you and your child seem to need information about things you can do at home to help him or her learn or behave
  • Whether your child seems to be coming along well and simply needs a once-a-year re-check to view his or her progress

Our Tools will also:

  • Give you an idea of whether your child is doing well for his or her age
  • Link you to quality websites with good information on how to help your child learn and behave well

What else?

  • For children 18 months through 4 years of age, we will also offer you the M-CHAT-R without additional expense. The M-CHAT-R focuses on language, communication, social skills, and how a child responds to people and the environment, and tools for the possibility of autism spectrum disorders.
  • Screening test results do not give a diagnosis but they can help direct you to specific resources that seem needed.
  • Development develops! Developmental problems can too. We recommend you check on your child's development including behavior every 6 months to a year.

This site offers a mid-level assessment measure
and two screening tests

The measures we offer on this site have been tested on thousands of children around the country and provide high quality results. Included are:


The PEDS:DM-AL® is a mid-level assessment measure of development, social-emotional and mental health and will help you determine if your child does or does not need further diagnostic testing


PEDS-R® will capture your concerns and unique description of your child and enable you to share this information and other test results with other professionals.


The M-CHAT-R screens for autism. If a child is already confirmed to be on the autism spectrum you do not have to take it, but it will be offered at no extra charge.


Affordable Screening for Your Child's Development

The PEDS:DM-AL® costs $19.95 and includes the option to take PEDS-R® and the M-CHAT-R.

Frequent questions and answers

Answers to commonly asked questions about our platform

PEDS Tools are for children from birth up to 8 years of age.
A parent or adult most responsible for raising the child can answer the test questions.
If your child is 8 or older and you have concerns about his or her progress, please contact the school psychologist at your child's school and request that screening tests be given.

Also, if your child is already enrolled, the school may have given your child group achievement tests.

It is important to act fast and get help when it is needed. There are services that help parents learn how to help their children. And there are services to help children overcome or minimize their problems.

Waiting keeps parents worried. When children have difficulties, waiting can make things worse. Children and families do better when problems are detected early and treated quickly.

So, it is important to have your child's learning and behavior tested each time you see your child's health giver. This is strongly urged by the American Academy of Pediatrics and many other leading organizations.
Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status: Developmental Milestones - Assessment Level (PEDS:DM-AL®): A mid-level assessment measure of development, social-emotional and mental health with 6-8 questions in each of 8 developmental domains (Fine motor, Gross motor, Expressive Language, Receptive Language, Self-Help, Social-Emotional, Academic/Pre-Academic, Cognitive) for children birth to 8 years of age. The results provide you with an age-equivalent score (in other words, at what age level is your child performing in that area of development) and indicate the percentage of delay in each domain. This measure can be taken multiple times as your child grows, and the results can be tracked over time to show how your child's development is progressing.

Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status-Revised (PEDS-R®): A 12 question measures for children birth to 8 years of age, that asks parents in their own words to describe their concerns. Some concerns are indicators of possible problems and the need for further testing. Other concerns don't suggest possible difficulties but rather the need for parenting guidance.

Modified Checklist of Autism in Toddlers (M-CHAT-R): A 23 item yes-no screen for children 16 to 60 months focused on detecting possible autism-spectrum disorder.
PEDS-R® Listens to Parents!

PEDS-R® (Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status – Revised®) asks parents to write down their concerns – in their own words. Its 12 questions asks you to think about how your child does things in all areas, from learning/talking/listening, to behaving/getting along with others, to overall health. You will be able to print/save your comments to share with professionals who may work with your child.

PEDS-R® was created by working with thousands of parents whose children were given diagnostic tests. Across many studies published in scientific journals, we found that some parental concerns were related to likely problems in need of intervention while other concerns were related to the typical problems of childhood.

PEDS-R® identifies risk from low, moderate to high and directs parents to needed resources, services, and information. The other tests within PEDS Online®, ask questions about children’s skills including symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. You will be able to print/save a complete report of all measures.

For individual parents, PEDS costs $19.95 each time you take it. You can pay using a credit or bank card.